Daily Routine

The pre-school day runs from 8am to 3pm daily, 38 weeks per year.  There are a choice of sessions and these are on the sessions page of our website.

Children do not have to attend pre-school everyday but we feel that they settle in better when attending 2 or more sessions a week (one session = one morning or afternoon).  Your child will have the opportunity to participate in the following activities as part of each week.

Free play


Arts and Craft Activities

Music and Movement

Sand/Water Play

Story/Story Time

Malleable Play including Playdough, Shaving Foam, Group (cornflour and water), Cloud Dough (conditioner and cornflour)


Outdoor Play

Small Group Work

Knowledge and Understanding of the world.

Dressing up and Role Play

When your child comes into pre-school they will leave their book bag in a box by the door, they will put their lunch box on the trolley and take their coat into the bathroom.  Children will then be encouraged to find their name on the name board and then they are free to play with their friends.  Once all the children have arrived the bell is rung and the children go outside and take part in a 5 minute run, if it's raining they do a 'Joe Wicks' workout, after this they sit on the mat for register time.  A staff member will call out their name and say "Good Morning".  Once register time is completed, children are then able to go and free play.  

All children are involved in small group play and are encouraged to participate in planned activities based on children's interests and development needs.

We feel children should learn to appreciate books and stories from a young age.  They have the opportunity to look at books each day and they have story time.  We also send a book home with the children in their book bag and ask parents to read with their children and tell us if they enjoyed in in their home/school diary.

Outdoor and Indoor Play

We strongly emphasise the importance of spending time both indoors and outdoors.  Outdoor activities contribute to children's health, their physical development and their knowledge of the world around them.  The children have the opportunity, and are encouraged, to take part in outdoor child chosen and adult led activities, as well as those provided in the indoor environment.  We have a wealth of resources to support children's interest and experiences.  Our unique outdoor space offers the children to have free access to both the indoor and outdoor environment.  The garden area is enclosed with a picket fence and a locked gate.  We also have the hardstanding area by our front door.  This is also enclosed with locking gates.  We have outside flower beds which the children tend to and plant up.

We are very lucky to have a lovely garden where we can play and explore, we have a wooden car and caravan which the children can use for role play activities and we also have an outside classroom which has many uses.  A pathway has been installed and the children use this for their morning runs and to ride their bikes.  This path also gives access to our construction corner, our wooded area and our outside classroom.  The area surrounding our tree house slide has astro turf which enables us to be able to use this equipment whatever the weather.

Physical Play

We have different physical equipment every day, scooters, bikes and other ride on toys, balls, hoops, beanbags etc.  We also use music and movement and various activities to develop their spatial awareness inside and outside.  We ring the bell; the children must stop what they are doing, stop talking and listen.  This is our way of preparing the children for any changes during the day.

The children continue to move freely around the space, choosing their own activities, with friendly positive role models always available to give guidance and encouragement where appropriate.  They learn through play and exploration, the skills they will need to become confident and independent children for the next stage of their development.  A member of staff rings the bell to indicate tidy up time, the children are then encouraged to tidy away independently and sit down on the carpet when they are finished.

Snack Time and Packed Lunches

We operate a rolling snack at the pre-school where the children are provided with snacks and drinks which are healthy, balanced and nutritious as outlined in the statutory framework of the EYFS.  A choice of milk or water is offered to drink and a healthy choice of fruits or vegetables are offered daily.  We also have crackers, cheese and yogurts.  Parents/Carers often bring in cake to share when it is their child's birthday and these will be eaten at snack time or taken home.  We will also have other foods occasionally if appropriate to do so, for example, egg fried rice for Lunar New Year, naan bread for Diwali, hot dogs for Independence Day etc.  All allergies and food preferences are taken into account and respected, for example; vegetarians or religious beliefs.  We encourage independence, communication, turn taking, social skills and appropriate manners.  We support the older children to assist the younger ones.  We will obtain information about any special dietary requirements, preferences, allergies that your child may have prior to starting pre-school.  Fresh drinking water is available at all times.  A packed lunch will be required when children are attending pre-school for a full day or an afternoon session.  Please could you ensure your child has a healthy sensible sized packed lunch including a drink.  We do not allow fizzy drinks or energy drinks.

Daily Timetable

Child staff ratio 1:5 for under 3 years and 1:8 for 3+ years.

8.00          -          9.00am           Early morning breakfast club

9.00          -          9.30am           Morning workout, registration and calendar time

9.30          -          10.45am         Free play, snack available and adult led activity

10.45        -          11.00am         Tidy up time, singing and story time

11.00        -          12.00pm         Free flow between inside and outside areas

12.00        -          12.15pm         Morning only children leave and afternoon children arrive

12.15        -          12.45pm         Lunchtime

12.45        -          1.00pm           Registration and calendar time

1.00          -           2.00pm          Free play, snack available and adult led activity

2.00          -           2.20pm          Tidy up time, story time and singing

2.20          -           3.00pm          Free flow between inside and outside areas

3.00          -           3.00pm          Children leave